Every intentional step towards better health matters, health is like a game of American football where every inch matters ( Al Pacino's inch by inch - my personal favorite ... Rated/contains adult language ) .This is a very important inch we all need to win. let's break the ice with a fact - 80% of our immune system is in our Gut. Needless to say then, we need to keep it healthy for optimal health. It starts as soon as we get up in the AM. Our gut has between 70-100 trillion bacteria which constitute our microbiome. Antibiotics, Toxins like processed sugar, dairy, processed meat, soy, gluten destroy it over time and our immunity drops. If we don't intervene and take charge our body responds with Auto-immune conditions and dozens of diseases which we believe to be genetic but are actually fueled by our own lifestyle. Some examples are conditions like diabetes, cardio-vascular conditions, asthma, kidney, liver, thyroid related conditions, arthritis and more. Fortun...