Every intentional step towards better health matters, health is like a
game of American football where every inch matters (Al Pacino's inch by inch - my personal favorite ... Rated/contains adult language) .This is a very important
inch we all need to win.
let's break the ice with a fact - 80% of our immune system is in our Gut. Needless to say then, we need to keep it healthy for optimal health. It starts as soon as we get up in the AM. Our gut has between 70-100 trillion bacteria which constitute our microbiome. Antibiotics, Toxins like processed sugar, dairy, processed meat, soy, gluten destroy it over time and our immunity drops. If we don't intervene and take charge our body responds with Auto-immune conditions and dozens of diseases which we believe to be genetic but are actually fueled by our own lifestyle. Some examples are conditions like diabetes, cardio-vascular conditions, asthma, kidney, liver, thyroid related conditions, arthritis and more.
Fortunately, the strategies needed to build and maintain a healthy gut are very simple. It just needs our focus and intention. Let's review the concepts in no particular order of priority
# 1 - Choose Alkaline over Acid.
Think of a picture of war and worst humanitarian crime you can imagine - write Acid right next to it. Now think of a loving time you spent with family or friends - write Alkaline next to it.
Which of these states do you want to emotionally live in? You bet, Alkaline. Can you have too much love, too much fun ... not really. In other words - can you have too much Alkalinity? No, you cannot. Can you have too much acidity? - you bet, even a little bit makes us sick
Let's put our principle to practice and get 2-3 tea spoons of fresh lemon juice ready
# 2 - Is your money in bank safe?
Do we share our bank account details with strangers and post your login, passwords online for anyone to steal? I didn't think so. We keep them secure, put our money in banks who have the best physical and cybersecurity systems in place. A strong defense system is the best way to protect what we value most. How many times do we think about the 100 trillion highly trained soldiers we have in our gut? What do we need to do to keep them working at their best, all the time, even when we sleep. One word has the solution - Probiotics. Naturally occurring cultures which are everywhere around us - in Organic Apple cider vinegar with mother, in Sauer Kraut, in home made dosa batter etc.
Put that vinegar bottle in the middle of your kitchen table. You will need a teaspoon every morning and one every evening.
Remember, if we dont nourish the soldiers with probitocs, they die and there is no-one to protect us from invaders, toxins and infections. We dont let that happen to the money we earn, why let much worse happen to our health?
# 3 - Water. That's right, our lifeblood. Filtered, chlorine, flouride and chemical free water. Warm it up and mix it with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.
Consume this drink first thing in the morning. You have started the day off with Alkalinity(love) and a step towards making your defense system stronger
Tip - Squeeze 2-3 Organic lemons and store the juice in fridge to last 2-3 days max.
Avoid/Control :
a. Do not - start off the day with drinks that contain processed sugar
and cream (excess dairy). Processed sugar and excess is #1 cause of
inflammation. Inflammation creates ideal conditions for disease spread
and eventually the breeding ground for auto immune conditions like
b. Hot black, green tea is ok. black coffee in moderation combined with good fats like Coconut milk / ( 1 cup) is ok
too. Stay away from too much caffeine if you love your Adrenals. If you
do not know what Adrenals are - these are small glands on top of your
kidneys that produce cortisol like hormones. For now, just know they are
very important for good health and we love them for what they do.
Good to know:
Body can become acidic just by unpleasant thoughts, irritation,
frustration or anger. Food is the easiest way to increase alkalinity but
be aware of your own reactions to events that create acidity in the
body. Our happiness is not determined by what happens to us, it is
determined by how we react to it.
Above simple, cheap morning routine is a great kick start on your way to great gut health and building overall immunity. It is a start. There's more once you get embedded in the routine. Recommended reads below will help you head in the right direction. Have fun and God bless
Recommended further reading